Hormones and harmony.
We describe them as raging. We often blame them for our tears, or anger, or biting off someone’s head. We say we hate them or call them screwed up, out of whack, or just plain crazy. We create guides for others to understand whether it is safe to talk to us based on our hormone balance.
We have talked trash about them for years, decades. Yet each day, our hormones continue to show up.
They offer us grace.
What could happen when we change our language around hormones?
Let’s call them life giving. Let’s say they bring us the ability to feel happiness. Let’s thank them for helping us express ourselves. Recognize them for the contribution they give to the function of our body. Acknowledge them for their role in our well-being.
How would you say thank you? How would you show your appreciation for their work?
Show your hormones grace.
Get your hormones tested. Monitor your cycle and learn what it is telling you. Stop taking pills that suppress them. Remove toxins from your home. Eat food that feeds your body all the nutrients. Drink water. Take time to rest. Honor the seasons. Spend time in the sun. Breathe in fresh air. Walk barefoot on the grass. Take care of the environment. Listen to your body. Express your emotions. Educate yourself. Ask questions. Answer them. Share what you learned.
Fully understand the role of hormones in our well-being.
Then cry. Laugh. Work. Play. Rest. And enjoy life as it was meant to be lived.
In harmony with your hormones.